πŸ“’ Lilybits Rewards Resolution in Progress

πŸ“’ Lilybits Rewards Resolution in Progress

Hi Lilypad Resource Providers! πŸ‘‹

We're actively working on resolving the abnormal amount of daily Lilybits rewards sent out after the new rewards calculation launch. Working with the community, our team has identified at least one bug in the system that has led to this situation.

To keep the community up to date, work on this can be tracked here https://github.com/orgs/Lilypad-Tech/discussions/14. Please feel free to add context and additional info to this discussion. For complex RP issues (like with the rewards system), we will use the Github discussion board to report and track all issues.

Our team continues to work on implementing a fix. The key in our response effort was to get to the root cause of this situation and implement a sustainable solution. We will communicate more as we finalize this work.

A huge thanks to the Lilypad RP community and the Lilypad ambassadors for the continued support! It takes a village to build a network like Lilypad!

β€” Lilypad team