π’ Update: Implemented initial fix for Rewards System
Our team has implemented a fix that will address the large number of daily Lilybit emissions. Changes take effect today and will reflect in the total daily Lilybits sent out going forward.
- Only one wallet (RP) will be eligible to earn rewards per GPU.
- For RPs running multiple wallets on one GPU, the wallet with the most points will be matched in our system with the GPU and will earn points. The other wallets will not earn points going forward (unless they are used on a different GPU).
- Slashing will continue to be turned off temporarily (as a grace period) until we are certain the rewards system is working as expected and to allow time for RPs to adjust. Slashing will likely be turned on mid/end of next week.
- Once turned back on, slashing will affect any address that does not have a unique GPU associated with it.
We'll communicate next steps on rewards emissions concerns once enough data has been collected on the results of this work. https://github.com/orgs/Lilypad-Tech/discussions/14#discussioncomment-11261561
To report additional RP issues, open a new github discussion by filling out this template or check out any existing discussions for your issue. https://github.com/orgs/Lilypad-Tech/discussions/new?category=rp-issue
For troubleshooting help, open a ticket in the i-need-help Lilypad Discord channel. https://discord.com/channels/1212897693450641498/1230231823674642513