🚨 Mandatory Update: Lilypad v2.9.0 Required by Tomorrow!

gm Resource Providers! 🐸
Reminder that the previous Lilypad version (2.8.0) will be deprecated tomorrow. RPs must update to v2.9.0 - Einstein to remain active in the network!
Upon every release, RPs will have 2 weeks to update to the latest Lilypad version, mentioned in the v2.9.0 release - https://discord.com/channels/1212897693450641498/1256179769356189707. Please note: The next Lilypad release will be tomorrow and RPs will have a 2 week grace period to update and then v2.9.0 will be deprecated.
Resource providers that are running older versions will no longer remain active on the network, have PoWs tracked or earn rewards. Make sure your node is updated to v2.9.0 before tomorrow to avoid interruptions!
Update Linux RP:
1️⃣ Stop the RP (skip if offline):
`sudo systemctl stop bacalhau`
`sudo systemctl stop lilypad-resource-provider`
Leave the local IPFS node running.
2️⃣ Remove the old Lilypad executable carefully:
`sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/lilypad`
3️⃣ Install the latest version
4️⃣ Restart RP
Once configured, start the RP:
`sudo systemctl start bacalhau`
`sudo systemctl start lilypad-resource-provider`
Update Docker RP:
Use the `docker-compose`
file to effortlessly setup the RP. https://docs.lilypad.tech/lilypad/hardware-providers/run-a-node/docker#docker-compose
Got questions? Open up a ticket in our GitHub discussions using the rp-issues
category: https://github.com/orgs/Lilypad-Tech/discussions/categories/rp-issue 🚀