🚨 Action Required - New Release - Fei-Fei Li (v2.9.1)

🚨 Action Required - New Release - Fei-Fei Li (v2.9.1)

"The paradigm shift of the ImageNet thinking is that while a lot of people are paying attention to models, let's pay attention to data. Data will redefine how we think about models." - Fei-Fei Li

gm Resource Providers! 🐸

Lilypad v2.9.1 - Fei-Fei Li was released requiring RPs to update! https://github.com/Lilypad-Tech/lilypad/releases/tag/v2.9.1

🚨 Update Window

For update window with new releases, RPs will have two weeks to update before the previous version is deprecated. Failure to update in this period will prohibit a RP from remaining active on the network, having PoWs tracked or earning rewards.


  • Updates have been made to the Solver to fix connection errors.

Update Linux RP:

1️⃣ Stop the RP (skip if offline):

`sudo systemctl stop bacalhau`
`sudo systemctl stop lilypad-resource-provider`

Leave the local IPFS node running.

2️⃣ Remove the old Lilypad executable carefully:

`sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/lilypad`

3️⃣ Install the latest version


4️⃣ Restart RP

Once configured, start the RP:

`sudo systemctl start bacalhau`
`sudo systemctl start lilypad-resource-provider`

Update Docker RP

Use the `docker-compose` file to effortlessly setup the RP. https://docs.lilypad.tech/lilypad/hardware-providers/run-a-node/docker#docker-compose

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