🚨 Action Required - New Release - Dijkstra (v2.8.0)

🚨 Action Required - New Release - Dijkstra (v2.8.0)

"Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability." - Edsger Dijkstra

gm gm Lilypad Resource Providers! 🐸 πŸͺ·

Lilypad v2.8.0 - Dijkstra was released requiring Lilypad RPs to update and run a local ipfs node! https://github.com/Lilypad-Tech/lilypad/releases/tag/v2.8.0

The latest version includes:

  • RPs must have a minimum balance of .0006 Arbitrum ETH for resource offers to be accepted to run Lilypad jobs.
  • RPs will now run a local ipfs node. This improves the reliability and speed of running jobs on the network.
  • RPs will now re-register resource offers with the Solver after a job run.

Here’s how to update:

1️⃣ If the Lilypad RP is running, stop the system (if the node is not running, disregard this first step):

`sudo systemctl stop bacalhau`
`sudo systemctl stop lilypad-resource-provider`

2️⃣ Remove the Lilypad executable by running:

Please note that using sudo rm -rf is very powerful and can be dangerous if not used carefully.

`sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/lilypad`

3️⃣ Reinstall Lilypad with the latest version: https://docs.lilypad.tech/lilypad/hardware-providers/run-a-node/linux#install-lilypad

4️⃣  Install ipfs: https://docs.lilypad.tech/lilypad/hardware-providers/run-a-node/linux#install-ipfs

Then, start the local ipfs node by running:

`ipfs init`

5️⃣ Replace the Bacalhau systemd file on the RP with the new config in the docs: https://docs.lilypad.tech/lilypad/hardware-providers/run-a-node/linux#install-systemd-unit-for-bacalhau

6️⃣ Start your resource provider by running:

`sudo systemctl start bacalhau`
`sudo systemctl start lilypad-resource-provider`

Need help? Hop into our Discord and tag @devrelcrew in the #i-need-help channel. Let's keep buidl-ing together! 🦾