Resource Providers 🚨 Action Required - Ensure Bacalhau v1.3.2 is running on RPs Calling all Lilypad RPs to check your Bacalhau version and ensure it is running!
Resource Providers 🚨 Action Required - New Release v2.2.3 A new release (v2.2.3) is here, squashing bugs and improving performance. Download the latest GPU binaries and upgrade your RP today!
Resource Providers 🚀 Lilypad IncentiveNet Leaderboard The IncentiveNet Leaderboard is back and better than ever, with accurate Lilybit_ rewards and recalculated points for all active nodes during the downtime. Hop on over and see where you rank in the pond!
Resource Providers ⚠️ We're On It - Addressing RP Issue Reports Lilypad is investigating a potential bug reported by the community. We are committed to transparency and will provide a full update as soon as possible.
Resource Providers 🚨 Action Required - New Release v2.2.1 Lilypad's latest Resource Provider release (v2.2.1) is here! Hop in to learn about the streamlined setup, under-the-hood improvements, and exciting new features on the horizon. Upgrade your today and help us build a decentralized future for AI.
Resource Providers 📢 IncentiveNet Leaderboard Update Hey Lilypadians! 👋 A quick update to let you know that the IncentiveNet
Resource Providers 📢 Attention Lilypad Resource Providers! 🚨 Lilypad IncentiveNet Update We're aware that our system has not